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How To Write A Professional Hollywood Script

Authored By Susan B. Flanagan 

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​​​​Book Description  


The truth is not all women in today’s society have the choice around childbirth. And now is the perfect time to change that. Women should not be made vulnerable to the system. And that’s exactly what midwife-nurse Irene Chain-Kalinowski wants to achieve with her book, My Body My Baby. This hopes to give childbirth back to women so they can make informed choices and celebrate them. "You need to be well informed throughout your entire childbirth experience and only then can you make healthy choices," adds Chain-Kalinowski. "After all it is ‘Your Body and Your Baby’." And this book does just that. It allows women to take charge of childbirth – and celebrate this experience. Often times, women are vulnerable and busy taking care of their baby after their birth that they do not have time to complain. But they do need to find time to do that. The media release needs to highlight that women deserve the right to free and informed choices. In this experiential, insightful and empowering read for expectant mothers, the author has indeed re-echoed the voices of countless women throughout history, calling for every woman to be able to choose where she births, to have control of her experience, and to be given choices.

Book Details

  • Print Length: 345 pages

  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

  • Publisher: BlueStar Studios Inc. / November 19, 2015

  • Publication Date: November 19, 2015

  • eBook edition sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.  

  • Language: English

  • Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds

  • Paper Back - ISBN:   978-0-9970374-1-8

  • ​eBook - ISBN:            978-0-9970374-0-1

  • ASIN:                          b0189h12sy

$20.99 / 143.42 Yuan - Soft Cover
$49.99 / 341.57 Yuan - Hard Cover
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$9.99 / 68.26 Yuan - PDF / Format

Irene Chain Kalinowski (1956) was born in Rotherham, South Yorkshire England, to Polish immigrant parents, grew up and trained as a Midwife in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England and has practiced midwifery through three continents, Europe, the Middle East, and New Zealand. For thirty four years she has practiced midwifery. A journey that has taken her to countries where women believe in childbirth and countries that chooses not to. Irene’s first book, "The Heart and Soul of Midwifery" Tells a story of how birth became so complex in our western society and how we need to make changes in the way we provide maternity services. How women need to take charge of their experience and how we need to understand the normal physiological process of childbirth. She shares real life experiences and takes you into the heart and soul of childbirth. This is a valuable insight into complexities the way we provide care. Irene’s books are a great reference resource for those providing maternity services.

She released her Second Book "My Body My Baby" in March, by her niece’s traumatic childbirth experience and the alarming C Section rates. She cares deeply for women giving birth and no woman should be traumatized from her birthing experience.

"Healthy women will produce healthy babies and there will be celebration of birth globally," states Chain-Kalinowski. "It is not only women who need to regain faith in childbirth, but our medical profession, needs to do just that. So when women take care of themselves there will be less need for interventions and we will see more homebirths and celebrated births as our children become confident in the gift that was bestowed upon us, the ability to birth. Women are in fact the driving force of maternity services and they need to reclaim 'Birth.'"

The Heart and Soul of Midwifery; Released November 2013, an unpredictable journey through three continents encourages everyone to face whatever life throws at them. When they LET IT BE they can make it. Educational funny and may bring som

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